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Kent Scouts DofE

Queen's Scout Award

To register interest and further support or information, contact the QSA Team using the Contact Us link above.

This is the top Scouting Award and is achieved after completing the following sections:

1) The Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award (or by completing volunteering, skill, physical, residential and expedition challenges and recording them on the QSA Logbook). Keep track of your progress using the Activity Log for each activity.

2) A minimum of 18 months membership of Scouting from the age of 16 to the time when the award is completed.

3) 18 nights away, of which 12 have to be under canvas. (12 of these can be carried forward from your Diamond Chief Scout Award)

4) 6 International, Community and Values challenges (2 of each - of which 4 can be completed from the Diamond Chief Scout Award ICV Challenges). Details of the challenges can be found  on the Scout QSA ICV Challenges web page

5) A presentation of your achievements, which can inspire others to work towards gaining their award. This should be signed of by your District Commissioner, or District Explorer Scout Commissioner.

6) A meeting with the County QSA Coordinator to verify all the information, with your completed QSA Log Book  .

Some examples of Log Books and Presentations can be seen below:       

QSA Logbook 1          QSA Log Book 2

The Log Book is then sent off to Gilwell. Celebration of your Queen's Scout Award Achievement comes in 3 parts

1) Local presentation of your badges

2) County Celebration and presentation of certificate (usually in November)

3) Attending the Queen's Scout parade at Windsor on St George's Day

More information can be found at members.scouts.org.uk/qsa

Useful links

Main DofE website

Kent Scouts

Kent Explorer Scouts

Kent Network

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