Expedition Assessor Course
19th November 2017, 9:00 - 17:00
When: Sunday 19th November - 9am to 5pm
Cost: Free for Kent Leaders - £10 for other leaders
Where: Lower Grange Farm, Maidstone
Self catering - tea/coffee supplied
Candidates must
a) bring a passport sized photo and
b) complete the online modules shown (found at http://www.dofetraining.org/ ) and bring the print out of their certificate with them. Modules to complete are:
1) Online DofE e-induction course
2) Introduction to the Expedition Section e-learning module
3) Expedition Accreditation Scheme Pre-Course Learning
4) Gold Expedition Accreditation Scheme Pre-Course Learning (if you have the skills to lead and assess Gold Expeditions - nominally Scouts Adventurous Activity Permits for Canoeing, Sailing and/or Walking)
Please book by completing the form below: